Sunday, 23 September 2018

#AutumnEquinox .Nature and our place in it, celebrated. #Autumn #Equilux #Equinox #NorthernHemisphere

0254hrs September 23rd 2018 is the Autumn Equinox for those of us in the Northern hemisphere. When length of light hours & dark hours draw towards #Equilux. The sun appears to pass the equator on it's journey in to the southern hemisphere at it's height. It means shorter hours of daylight as we head towards the winter solstice in December. For the next few weeks of the solar year, we will lose appx 4mins of daylight per day (in UK). Our ancestors would have been acutely aware of exactly what this event meant to their everyday lives. Prepare for longer, colder nights and look out for human celebrations such as Diwali, Halloween, American 'Thanksgiving' and Samhain, all of which are connected to the seasonal changes, harvest and winter moons.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Doctor, Doctor. I have a moronic myth in my brain.

Thankfully, I am a fit and healthy person. I only mildly abuse my body and I get lots of exercise and eat as healthily as I can. I haven't been to see a doctor in many years as I have not had the need. If I were to need an appointment to see my health professional, I would expect to be given the best available advice, support and medicines. If there is a treatment available, I do not want to have it ruled out because of my doctor's religious or moral stance.

There have been cases of health care professionals that have refused to prescribe contraception,