Saturday 20 June 2015

21st June. Summer Solstice 2015 & World Humanist Day.

Saturday, 21 June 2015.

The Summer Solstice. World Humanist Day. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, June 21st 2015 is the #SummerSolstice. It is the point in our celestial year when the sun appears to reach its highest point in the sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, it represents the winter solstice when the path of the sun in the sky is at its lowest. For many thousands of years our ancestors would have celebrated this time of year and

Saturday 6 June 2015

Why Don't the Women play 5 sets in Grand Slam Tennis?

I'm just sat watching the tennis. The French Open, Women's Singles Final for 2015 and, as usual, I am wondering why the women get away with only playing 'Best of 3 Sets'. The Men's Final is 'Best of 5 Sets' so why the inequality? Surely, in times where equality is pushed with such fervour (rightly so), it is only right that the women get the same prize money for the