Tuesday 22 September 2020

22nd September 2020. Autumn Equinox. The solar reality. #AutumnEquinox Heading into Winter.

1430hrs (UK) on Tuesday 22nd September is the Autumn Equinox for those of us in the Northern hemisphere. When length of light hours & dark hours draw towards #Equilux. The sun appears to pass the equator on it's journey in to the southern hemisphere at it's height. It means shorter hours of daylight as we head towards the winter solstice in December. For the next few weeks of the solar year, we will lose appx 4mins of daylight per day (in UK). Our ancestors would have been acutely aware of exactly what this event meant to their everyday lives. Prepare for longer, colder nights and look out for human celebrations such as DiwaliHalloween, American 'Thanksgiving' and Samhain, all of which are connected to the seasonal changes, harvest and winter moons.

Sunday 6 September 2020

FGM / GM is GBH. Abuse. Nothing less.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and Male Circumcision is nothing less than GBH (Grievous bodily harm) by another name. We should neither value nor respect a culture that promotes abuse of a child or adult in such a manner. It's banning should be heavily enforced and those that practice such stone-age rituals should be exposed, shamed and imprisoned. It is pathetic that in a modern country we allow such disgusting practices to go unpunished. Every right-minded person should be appalled by such activities which should be consigned to history along with many other simple-minded religious relics. A modern country should be a haven in which children are free from exposure to ancient religions and practices until such a time that they can decide to become involved themselves - let's say 16years old for the sake of argument. A child is not born with religion or superstitions, they are forced upon them through outdated teachings and traditions. Teachings and traditions that have no place in the modern world. It is a relic of stone age beliefs that should be consigned to history. A similar argument should be made to question the practice of male circumcision in infants that are not old enough to consent to the mutilation themselves. If there is no medical need for the mutilation, it is abuse. Discuss.