Friday 21 June 2019

#SummerSolstice #WorldHumanistDay Nothing to do with man-made nonsense.

Friday June 21st 2019. Happy Summer Solstice. Happy World Humanist Day

The Summer Solstice. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, June 21st '2019' is the #SummerSolstice, the Longest Day of the year. It is the point in our celestial year when the sun appears to reach its highest point in the sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, it represents the winter solstice when the path of the sun in the sky is at its lowest, the shortest day. For many thousands of years our ancestors would have celebrated this time of year and

Wednesday 19 June 2019

The scandal of single-use plastics. #NationalRefillDay

Today, June 19th 2019, is #NationalRefillDay. The UK uses 7.7 BILLION single use, plastic water bottles every year and the problem is getting greater every year. This is not and has never been sustainable. Producers need to be charged 100% for the costs of processing this mess. That way, costs will have to be passed on to consumers and that will mean a reality of choice and a move towards more sustainable products. Market forces. Companies, governments, organisations and INDIVIDUALS need to take a much more pro-active approach to this scandal. Sending our unsustainable single-use plastic waste to other countries is not a solution. Global increases in plastic use is not an option. We have no choice but to do something drastic about this, NOW. #WarOnPlastic #ReduceReuseRecycle #NationalRefillDay

Saturday 1 June 2019

Grand Slam Tennis - Why the Inequality? #FairPlay #CloseThePlayGap

I'm sat watching the #FrenchOpen2019 on TV and, yet again, find myself asking the same question that I have asked for many years.Why do the women get away with only playing 'Best of 3 Sets'. The Men's pathway to a Grand Slam Final is littered with long, gruelling 'Best of 5 Sets' matches, so why the inequality? Why aren't there loud voices calling for the 'Play Gap' to be closed?

Surely, in times where equality is pushed with such fervour (rightly so), it is only right that the women get the same prize money for the