Monday 9 January 2017

Modern society & religions.

Politics and religion should be kept apart by a long stick of rational thought. Regardless of whether or not we can truly call today's Britain a Christian country, religions should have no place in the politics of a modern, forward thinking society, other than a personal freedom. However, in this country today we have 'faith schools' of all denominations veering from the national curriculum and brainwashing children with divisive lies, non-elected religious leaders sitting in the House of Lords voting on state issues and a system of local government based on religious parishes and councils. The whole system is flawed, in need of an overhaul and is not fit for purpose.

Modern society should be about taking the best available evidence, technology and knowledge to create a

Organised Religion. A weakness at best, a cancer within society at worst.

Organised Religion is a disease within society. One that affects clarity of thought. It prevents freethinking and forces the brain to ignore evidence, instead instilling a belief in ancient myths. It holds back the potential of human beings by dulling their perception of the world. A weakness, an illness that is forced on to children and vulnerable, uninformed adults before they have the mental capacity to resist and is perpetuated by cultural relics dressed up as traditions from an age gone by. The cure is rational thought. A diet of science, study, intelligent conversation and a willingness to accept that traditions based on ancient myths have been proved to have no basis in reality. Responsible education of the next generation, teaching facts not fiction and encouraging scepticism. Once cured, the modern world can progress towards a better future.

Radical, fundamental and extreme religions are a cancer. They preach division, hatred, regressive lies and stone age morals. They are dangerous and destroy all before them with no thought or consideration. They have to be cut out, removed from modern societies as their very existence is counter to the advancement of a moral and just community. They aggressively resist and destroy all

Monday 2 January 2017

Happy, so called, "2017". Happy New Year.

Why is it that this solar year is called '2017'? The answer is that it is an arbitrary number, it actually has very little meaning. The very idea of '2017' is a human, religious creation, forced on us by power struggles, religious bigots, greed and wars. It is merely an expression