Monday 21 December 2015

Nothing to do with your made-up religion. Solar reality. That.Is.All.

The #WinterSolstice is here. The depths of the Northern Hemisphere winter. December 22nd. From now on, the daylight will slowly return and the sun will appear higher in the sky. We have reached the point in the celestial year where the tilt of the globe keeps the sun low above the horizon and the darkness envelops most of our day. Our ancestors would have been aware of the changing seasons and celebrated reaching this point by feasting on livestock, lighting fires and offering gifts to their 'gods' in exchange for a good harvest in the following year. Decorating trees, creating lights, giving gifts and eating too much. It all sounds so pagan doesn't it. All parts of a meaningful celebration without all the religious nonsense that surrounds this celestial reality, no matter where on the world you look. Each culture marks the passing of an Equinox or a Solstice or a Full Moon near to either. These solar realities mark our progression round the Sun and the shifting seasons of our lives. All the superstitions that have been tacked on to it are nothing more than distracting waffle. Merry Solstice. May your journey round our star bring you health and happiness.