Wednesday 29 January 2020

Grand Slam Tennis - Why the Inequality? #FairPlay #CloseThePlayGap

I'm sat watching the #AusOpen2020 and, yet again, find myself asking the same question that I have asked for many years.Why do the women get away with only playing 'Best of 3 Sets'. The Men's pathway to a Grand Slam Final is littered with long, gruelling 'Best of 5 Sets' matches, so why the inequality? Why aren't there loud voices calling for the 'Play Gap' to be closed?

Surely, in times where equality is pushed with such fervour (rightly so), it is only right that the women get the same prize money for the

Circumcision & FGM. Archaic 'traditions' GBH Abuse by another name.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and Male Circumcision is nothing less than GBH (Grievous bodily harm) by another name. We should neither value nor respect a culture/religion that promotes abuse of a child in such a manner. It's banning should be heavily enforced and those that practice such stone-age rituals should be exposed, shamed and, in the worst cases, be imprisoned. It is pathetic that in a modern country we allow such disgusting practices to go unpunished.

Every right-minded person should be appalled by such activities which should be consigned to history along with many other simple-minded religious relics. A modern country should be a haven in which children are free from exposure to ancient religions and practices