Thursday 24 January 2019

Think. It is time to rebalance our society to become better humans.

Think. It is time to rebalance our society to become better humans.

Like you, I am a human being. A member of a species that has evolved over millions of years to the point where we control our environment and resources. An intelligent, rational, sociable creature that has the ability to be compassionate and caring. Instead however, we have allowed our species to become ill-informed, miseducated, anti-social beings, lacking understanding and divided by our levels of ignorance. Happy to exploit each other and our world to attain levels of greed far beyond sustainable limits. We look at the world through rose-coloured glasses, given to us by a system that wants to control and abuse rather than advance and nurture. 

We have it wrong. We have it ALL WRONG. From the moment we are born we are bombarded
with propaganda, restrained in our ambitions and forced in to a society that blindly accepts obviously wrong ideologies. Misinformation is passed down through generations and this prevents our full potential as HUMAN BEINGS from coming to the fore. We have it wrong. The balances in society are so far out of kilter that it would take a huge amount of effort to put them right. Politics, religion, education, economics, environmental boundaries, ethics, health, love, marriage, life and ambition all need changing. 

The one force that can redress the balance is RATIONAL THOUGHT. A reasoned and realistic look at the world that is not swayed by emotional arguments or powerful lobbies or hatred. It is pure. Open your mind, accept evidence, realise that somebody, somewhere is out to fool you and only looking at facts can help you hear the truth through all the background noise. You owe it to yourself to fully understand who you are, where you are, and what is being done around you. Ignorance is no defence. THINK.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Religion - Mental illness or disease? #religion #myth #FundaMental

Organised Religion is a disease within society. One that affects clarity of thought. It prevents freethinking and forces the brain to ignore evidence, instead instilling a belief in ancient myths. It holds back the potential of human beings by dulling their perception of the world. A weakness, an illness that is forced on to children and vulnerable, uninformed adults before they have the mental capacity to resist and is perpetuated by cultural relics dressed up as traditions from an age gone by. The cure is rational thought. A diet of science, study, intelligent conversation and a willingness to accept that traditions based on ancient myths have been proved to have no basis in reality. Responsible education of the next generation, teaching facts not fiction and encouraging scepticism. Once cured, the modern world can progress towards a better future.

Radical, fundamental and extreme religions are a cancer. They preach division, hatred, regressive lies and stone age morals. They are dangerous and destroy all before them with no thought or consideration. They have to be cut out, removed from modern societies as their very existence is counter to the advancement of a moral and just community. They aggressively resist and destroy all

Tennis. Why don't the women play '5 Set' matches. Close the 'Play Gap'. #AustralianOpen

I'm sat watching the #AustralianOpen on TV and, yet again, find myself asking the same question that I have asked for many years.Why do the women get away with only playing 'Best of 3 Sets'. The Men's pathway to the Final is littered with long, gruelling 'Best of 5 Sets' matches, so why the inequality? Why aren't there loud voices calling for the 'Play Gap' to be closed?

Surely, in times where equality is pushed with such fervour (rightly so), it is only right that the women get the same prize money for the

Noah and his ark are fiction. If you believe otherwise, you are part of the problem. Religions.

If you believe literally in religious nonsense like the myth of #NoahsArk you are part of what is wrong with our world. Ignorant, brainwashed and moronic. It's a myth people. Grow up. A myth created by humans of very little understanding. Here's another made up, but more likely, version of the origins of such a tale....

Once upon a time in an underdeveloped society, far, far away there was a group of humans that had a very basic understanding of the world around them. They didn't understand the world or their place in it and they relied on tribal elders who made up random stories to help them make sense of the things they saw. They were fearful that the sun wouldn't rise, they thought that supernatural powers controlled the weather and that demons and monsters roamed the flat earth. They had very little knowledge.

One day, someone was walking up a hill somewhere and there, they found fossils and shells and evidence of previous life and they just couldn't get their primitive brains around what they were or how they could have got there. It made no sense to them as they had very little knowledge. So, they went to the tribal elders ( who enjoyed a life of privilege because they had nurtured fear and ignorance in those below them ).

"How can these animal bones have got to the top of the hill oh wise one?" asked the fearful and ignorant humans. Not in eloquent English obviously, but in some primitive form of language. The tribal elders decided that this was another great opportunity to reinforce their position as leaders so they told another story of a vengeful and destructive deity who would smite them unless they complied with the rules ( made up by the elders