Friday 8 January 2021

A Rational thought for a rational society. #RationalHuman

Like you, I am a human being. A member of a species that has evolved over millions of years to the point where we control our environment and resources. An intelligent, rational, sociable creature that has the ability to be compassionate and caring. Instead however, we have allowed our species to become ill-informed, miseducated, anti-social beings, lacking understanding and divided by our levels of ignorance. Happy to exploit each other and our world to attain levels of greed far beyond sustainable limits. We look at the world through rose-coloured glasses, given to us by a system that wants to control and abuse rather than advance and nurture. We have it wrong. We have it ALL WRONG. From the moment we are born we are bombarded

with propaganda, restrained in our ambitions and forced in to a society that blindly accepts obviously wrong ideologies. Misinformation is passed down through generations and this prevents our full potential as HUMAN BEINGS from coming to the fore. We have it wrong. The balances in society are so far out of kilter that it would take a huge amount of effort to put them right. Politics, religion, education, economics, environmental boundaries, ethics, health, love, marriage, life and ambition all need changing. The one force that can redress the balance is RATIONAL THOUGHT. A reasoned and realistic look at the world that is not swayed by emotional arguments or powerful lobbies or hatred. It is pure. Open your mind, accept evidence, realise that somebody, somewhere is out to fool you and only looking at facts can help you hear the truth through all the background noise. You owe it to yourself to fully understand who you are, where you are, and what is being done around you. Ignorance is no defence. THINK.

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