Here's an instant solution to the problem of low voter turn-out, disillusioned voters and lack of respect for politicians of all varieties - a problem that effects the UK and many other democratic nations.
Make each party MANIFESTO legally binding before an election. A manifesto that they pledge to enforce within SIX MONTHS of being voted in. These manifesto pledges will be spread over a number of political areas ( tax, health care, environment, foreign aid etc ) and they would be legally binding. If they fail to follow up on these pledges, it automatically triggers an immediate election and
invalidates the party's right to govern. A democratic Right to Recall. That way, the electorate would be able to see genuine differences between the standing parties in the run-up to an election, vote accordingly and hold them responsible if /when they fail to deliver.
At the moment, politics is all about bluster, hot air, empty promises and saying the right things to the right people in order to gain a vote, there is no following responsibility to act on these promises. We have been misled and conned many times before by groups of two-faced liars who believe they are entitled to live by a different, protected and secret set of rules and morals. We are shown one thing and delivered a pale imitation. This is why people are turning off from local and national politics and see politicians as two-faced, hypocritical, liars, rewarding themselves for consistent failure. If we truly live in a democracy, then it is the people who should have the power to shape our country by voting for a manifesto that will be implemented. Referendums and elections would be much more relevant. Rational and modern.
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