Wednesday 30 April 2014

Doctor,Doctor. I have a silly myth in my brain.

Thankfully, I am a fit and healthy person. I only mildly abuse my body and I get lots of exercise and eat as healthily as I can. I haven't been to see a doctor in many years as I have not had the need. If I were to need an appointment to see my health professional, I would expect to be given the best available advice, support and medicines. If there is a treatment available, I do not want to have it ruled out because of my doctor's religious or moral stance.

There have been cases of health care professionals that have refused to prescribe contraception,
sanction blood transfusions, abortions and even transplants based on unscientific, medieval, religious or moral stances. A Doctor should be at the forefront of medical science, not stuck in the past, restricted by outdated beliefs.

The more we pretend that it is ok to pander to religious beliefs in an advancing society, the slower our progress will be, even taking us backwards. A belief in Zeus or Jedi Knights or whoever should never prevent someone from being treated to the best available, modern practices. We are very fortunate in the UK to have a world-leading NHS and it should always be pushing the boundaries of available treatments and medicines. Personal beliefs should be just that - personal. Keep personally-held, backward, religious, unscientific, restrictive beliefs out of serious decision making, wherever that may be. No religion in politics, education, health care and state services. #moveforward

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